As part of preventive care, we currently provide antigen testing for COVID-19. We offer the service to our patients directly before treatment at the dentist or dental hygiene, but also to other clients, children and companies.
For people with symptoms of COVID-19, we have a collection point for a PCR test
The insurance company no longer pays for antigen tests (CZ).
Ordering is possible online , by phone or e-mail, even by several people at the same time.
If groups and companies are interested in testing, individual arrangements need to be made.
For more information, contact us:
+420 775 730 095
Please observe the obligation to cover your mouth, mandatory distances of min. 2 m (the aim is to prevent the accumulation of tested persons and eliminate the risk of infection)
Outside office hours, testing can be arranged by phone.
Where is it tested?
Testing takes place only for pre-ordered persons at a predetermined time in the Maxi DENTAL Břeclav sampling center at Žerotínova Street 985/5a, side entrance.
When and how will I know the test results?
After the test in a few minutes.
Types of antigen tests:
1) from saliva:
- Novel Coronavirus (SARS-Cov-2) Antigen Rapid Test Device (Saliva)- Hangzhou Realy Tech Co., Ltd
2) from the front of the nose
- Antigen Rapid Test Kit (Colloidal Gold mmunochromatography) - Beijing Lepu Medical Technology Co., Lt
You must not eat, drink, smoke, chew gum or rinse your mouth with water for at least half an hour before the test. , brush your teeth and use mouthwash.